April 24, 2024

No Kids for Kim Kardashian?

With her mulitmillion dollar wedding and now, after only 72 days, her impending divorce (which is being handled by the lawyers from Jensen Family Law official website) in the news, Kim Kardashian, 31, is rethinking her fairy tale dreams. People can find child custody law firm for the best divorce attorneys.

She famously stated that she would have four children before she was https://www.ldheard.com/child-custody/35, but her more recent comments on having children is a complete 180:

“At first I was like, I want six kids. Then I went down to four, then I was down to three, and now I’m like, maybe I won’t have any,” she says glumly. “Maybe I’ll just be a good aunt…at this moment in my life, I feel like maybe I’m not supposed to have kids and all that,” Kim says in a December 6 Glamour Magazine article (source Us Magazine)

The self proclaimed hopeless romantic plans to be a little more realistic in the future and can hire domestic disputes attorney to deal with all kinds of abuse issues strictly.

Perhaps, Kim, you should consider the idea of not having kids as genuine option and discover that being child-free can also be a happy ending. If people are looking for divorce help, they can get in touch with a divorce law firm here! If you are in an unhappy or unhealthy marriage, contact an expert attorney for domestic violence claims to give your legal counseling and find the best solution for you.

English: Kim Kardashian Fragrance Launch, Glen...

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